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Counselling sessions last fifty minutes and cost £50 online or by telephone. 

Counselling is also available by email.


I work both short-term and long-term with clients.


Packages of six sessions are available for the usual cost of five. 

(Sessions are to be taken within a twelve-week period, non-refundable, and paid for in advance at the time of booking the first session.)

Email Counselling

Email counselling costs £50 per email.  This includes the time to read the client's email and to respond to it. 

More information about email counselling can be found here.




Clinical supervision for counsellors costs £50 per ninety-minute session online or by telephone. 

A reduced fee is available for trainee counsellors.  Get in touch for more information.

I also offer supervision for those working in the helping and creative professions, including writers looking for a therapeutic space in which to explore aspects of their work.  Contact me here to find out more.  

Each month, I give a proportion of the proceeds from my counselling and supervision work to Women for Women International, a charity helping women survivors of war rebuild their lives.

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