Are you new to counselling and wondering where on earth to start or what to say?
Have you experienced counselling previously and are now looking for a different approach?
Do you enjoy journalling and other creative forms and want to use these
to support and enhance the counselling process?
Like a conventional counselling session, Writing Therapy is an opportunity to explore the issues troubling you in a confidential and non-judgemental space… with the added benefits of using journalling and other creative techniques to complement the counselling process.
Just as you are unique, the way we use writing and creativity in our sessions together will be personalised to you. You might like to journal, write creatively or work with images to gain insight into the issues that have led you to seek counselling at the present time.
Perhaps you feel uncertain about using writing and creativity in counselling sessions… if so, no problem! Therapeutic writing and creativity can be as straightforward as making a short list, writing a diary for a few minutes each day or once a week, or keeping an art journal. Alternatively, it can involve coloured pencils, pastels or paints to create an image. The possibilities are endless. All these, and more, are also techniques that can be used, if you wish, between sessions to maximise the insights gained through counselling.
No previous experience or special talent for writing or drawing is needed. Spelling, grammar and punctuation do not matter. Perhaps most importantly, you will never be asked to share anything you create unless you feel comfortable doing so (and I will never invite you to do something that I wouldn’t do myself).
How Writing Therapy Could Work For You

Explore something in your life’s story that is troubling you.

Gain a better understanding of a chapter in your life, (past, present or future).

Find a new script with which
to move forward in life.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Maya Angelou

Exploring life through writing and creativity